Starting a Business in Victoria

Greater Victoria — the perfect mix of a great place to do business and a great place to live.

We’re not the only ones to think so.

Recent studies, like KPMG’s Competitive Alternatives have identified Greater Victoria as the most cost effective place to do business in the Pacific Northwest for sectors such as Digital and Biotechnology industries.


Visit the Business Development Bank of Canada’s (BDC) Advice Centre, which includes tips and tools to get you and your new business started on the right path.

You can find items like a business plan templatemarketing strategy and a step by step on starting a business.

The provincial government has a variety of programs and incentives to encourage new businesses to locate or relocate to BC. As part of the drive to support businesses, the province offers a one stop registry program to simplify and reduce paperwork and red tape.

Your business will have access to a well-educated employment pool including recent grads and co-op students at Camosun CollegeUniversity of Victoria and Royal Roads University in a variety of disciplines.

There are a variety of wonderful areas to choose from in Victoria, each with their own strengths and charms. To connect with the municipal government in your chosen region click here.

If you would like to contact one of our members to tap into their expertise or ask them “Why Victoria?” please feel free to use our directory.

Find all the resources you need to startup your business at Business Hub.

Become a Member of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce