Seabed carbon worth study: Ocean Networks Canada

A proposal to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and bury it safely in the seabed is one of the incredible examples of climate action leadership in Greater Victoria. The Solid Carbon project is being studied by Ocean Networks Canada and other world-renowned institutions.

The work was recently highlighted by the Times Colonist in a story reporting on a new study about carbon naturally stored in seabed sediments. The study concluded that it is vital to protect areas of the ocean floor that contain vast carbon deposits.

“We are an imperfect species. We do things to keep populations safe. In some ways, dredging is important to prevent ships from going aground and spilling oil,” ONC CEO Kate Moran told the Times Colonist. “But taking a precautionary approach, it would be useful to take a look at these activities and assess them for the risks and benefits — especially now that they’re identifying that we could be releasing carbon by some of these seafloor disturbances.”