Chamber network advocates for new aid programs

The Chamber welcomes the federal government’s latest effort to provide relief for businesses continuing to struggle due to the pandemic. Bill C-9 was tabled on Monday after the national Chamber network outlined a number of concerns raised by our members.
The Chamber is happy the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy will be extended until June 30, 2021, but we are disappointed the new legislation will reduce the subsidy to 65% from 75%, where we would like to see it remain.
The redesign of the commercial rent subsidy is also good news. More tenants will be able to access the program. However, a few details are still not ideal. We share the Canadian Chamber’s concerns about the corporate entity cap of $300,000.
“This punishes businesses that have several locations, especially those in expensive downtown cores. Businesses in the hardest hit sectors, such as the food service and travel industries, that have several locations have compounded challenges by operating several locations, and need fair and equal access to the program.”
With restrictions expected to be in place for many months to come, government programs need to reflect the reality that businesses are facing.

Business Restart Series
Register for our Nov. 24 COVID-19 Government Measures for Business and Individuals event to learn about these programs and more.