Colwood reclaims Flower Power!

​The proof is in the counting – we are the best bloomin’ place to live – and there are nearly 28 billion reasons why. The 47th edition of the Greater Victoria Flower Count ended today with 27,875,292,158 blooms counted across the region.
The winner of “Bloomingest” community this year is Colwood, with a total of 9.64 billion blossoms counted. The runner-up community this year, with clear petal power, is Saanich with nearly 9.3 billion blossoms counted.
And the kids really got into counting this year, no surprise there when the students in the winning class get an individual pass to the Malahat SkyWalk. For the first year ever, Prospect Lake Elementary blossomed into the top position with 2.51 billion blooms counted by Ms. Close’s students. Winners of the photo contest draw will be notified by end of day Thursday.

Thank you to everyone who wandered into a garden, park or down a picturesque street and enjoyed counting those lovely spring blooms.