BC Hydro has a clear plan but a challenging path as they seek to make significant changes over the next decade. They have a multi-year plan to invest billions in updating and improving aging infrastructure, and they are passionate about reducing climate-changing emissions both within their organization and externally as part of the CleanBC program.
One of the most significant initiatives coming online next year is Site C. Once running, it should generate an additional 8% of our province’s current power supply – enough to power about half a million homes or 1.7 million EV vehicles per year. This will bring BC’s total number of hydroelectric plants up to 30.
Reducing climate-changing emissions through further investments in hydropower generation and integrating solar and wind power will create a greener future for all. BC Hydro offers a Business Energy-Saving Incentives program to help you upgrade your lighting, HVAC, refrigeration, and mechanical technologies. Covering an average of 27% of upfront costs, these incentives shorten the payback period of your investment and make your decision to upgrade a no-brainer, helping you to reduce consumption, save on energy costs, and increase your bottom line. You can even evaluate the cost savings realized by your upgrades using their Advanced Analytic tools!
In BC, we are fortunate to have reliable power, with 98% of that power coming from clean or renewable resources. But the goal is to do better. Currently, 20% of electricity in the province is generated by hydro, 11% by biomass and 69% by fossil fuels. BC Hydro wants to see that shift to 33% hydro by 2030. An aggressive goal but doable when coupled with manufacturing and consumer-based programs that foster efficiencies.
BC Hydro may lead the electrification of our province, but as Chris O’Riley clearly stated, “We all have a role to play in energy transition, and a responsibility to work on this together… It is a generational opportunity to make a difference and one that can’t be missed.”
Our sincere thanks to BC Hydro and Chris O’Riley for a great presentation and to AES Engineering for sponsoring our wonderful luncheon.