BC approves municipal bans on single-use plastics

The Chamber applauds the provincial government’s decision last week to approve municipal bylaws banning single-use plastics in Victoria, Saanich and other BC municipalities.
The move follows what many businesses have been doing for years as they react to public demand to reduce waste and show leadership in the fight against climate change. The Chamber worked extensively with the City of Victoria on its bylaw, helping officials understand the innovations already in place. Those efforts were key to ensuring the rollout of the rules were well-received.
The Chamber also successfully advocated that the same regulations be copied by other municipalities — including the District of Saanich — to ensure a seamless process for regional retailers and shoppers.

Province expanding recycling to include milk jugs

At the same announcement, the provincial government said it was looking to ban single-use plastics throughout BC. As well, a new 10-cent minimum deposit on all beverage containers was introduced and, for the first time, milk containers will be added to the deposit and refund system.

EI premiums unchanged, but concerns over Bill 23

Good news for employers as Employment Insurance premiums for 2021 and 2022 are being frozen at the 2020 level. The federal government made the announcement this week. The maximum insurable earnings are going up by $1,100 next year to $56,300.
Self-employed Canadians who opt into the EI program will be required to earn $7,555 to file a claim in 2021.
As the economy recovers, governments can’t burden businesses with added costs such as increased premiums. The Chamber is working with our advocacy partners to make sure the provincial government understands this when it comes to WorkSafeBC premiums.
Recent changes to the Workers Compensation Act (Bill 23) are problematic because they make it easier for employees to make a compensation claim if they contract COVID-19 with little to no burden of proof that it was work related. The goal of reducing the risk is good, but the concern is that it will unfairly drive up costs and increase premiums shifting public healthcare costs to employers.

Victoria by-election might be delayed until spring

Voters in Victoria might need to hold on a little longer to have a say in who will fill the vacant seat on city council. Citing the challenges of going to the polls during a pandemic, city staff are saying they don’t have enough time or capacity to ensure a safe by-election this fall.
“At this point, timelines are challenging to predict,” says the staff report, which goes to council tomorrow. “It is possible that a by-election may not be able to be safely planned and delivered until Q1 of 2021.”
The Chamber will monitor the situation as it is vital that the democratic process carry on, especially as other BC municipalities have found a way to schedule their own by-elections for this fall.

SD61 students begin returning to classrooms


The Greater Victoria School District (SD61) has a Return to School Plan ready to go as students head back into classrooms.
The school district is following the BC Ministry of Education’s restart plan, which focuses on the safety of students and staff while trying to give kids as much in-class instruction as possible. To help with the extra level of planning needed this year, the federal government is providing BC with $242.4 million to implement COVID-19 protocols for child care, transportation, health and safety and learning supports.
There’s no question anxiety levels have been heightened during the pandemic, and the provincial government is spending an additional $2 million on school-based wellness programs. If it means fewer people suffering from mental health issues in the years ahead, it will have been an invaluable investment.
To help families manage back to school stress and anxiety, The Chamber is also happy to give a shout out to Telus for hosting two seminars by clinical counselor Lindsay Killam. You can get more details and register for the Sept. 10 or Sept. 14 event here.
It’s a critical time for families in British Columbia as we learn to live with COVID-19, and continue to work on restarting our economy. The Chamber encourages everyone to follow the most current advice of BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. There is less uncertainty around COVID-19 than there was in the spring, and efforts to slow transmission are much more focused — as detailed in today’s announcement of a $1.6 billion plan for the fall and winter.

Support services vital to ensure housing is effective

The provincial government paid $1.8 million for a property at 1176 Yates St. that will be used to provide up to 40 units of housing for homeless people in Greater Victoria. The homes will include support for mental health and addiction treatment.
Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. The Chamber is focusing our ongoing advocacy on the need to improve mental health services that are often at the root of homelessness. We need to move beyond encampments that provide shelter but don’t address underlying concerns.

Province confirms tax measure implementation dates, deferral deadlines for businesses

Businesses have been given a reprieve as the provincial government announced last week that it is delaying implementation or increases to several taxes.
Quarterly installments for the Employer Health Tax have been pushed back as follows:

  • Dec. 31, 2020 (original installment date was June 15, 2020)
  • Jan. 31, 2021 (original installment date was Sept. 15, 2020)
  • Feb. 28, 2021 (original installment date was Dec. 15, 2020)

As well, the scheduled elimination of a Provincial Sales Tax exemption for sweetened carbonated beverages, and the requirement for e-commerce businesses outside BC to collect PST have been delayed until next April. And annual increases to the provincial carbon tax, postponed back in April, also won’t begin until next year.
The Ministry of Finance is also reminding businesses that the due dates for the following sales taxes, extended in the spring, are coming up Sept. 30:

  • PST
  • hotel tax, also known as municipal and regional district tax
  • tobacco tax
  • motor fuel tax
  • carbon tax

“These administrative deferrals are not being extended further,” says a statement from the ministry. “Businesses were never able to spend taxes collected from customers such as PST, but delaying tax remittances removed an administrative burden from potentially short-staffed businesses during the beginning of the pandemic.”

Nightclubs, halls closed to slow spread of COVID-19

Yesterday, citing extensive work of contract tracers, the provincial government ordered all nightclubs and stand-alone banquet halls to close.
“Despite weeks of effort by public health teams, these venues are creating significant risk to everyone in BC, and making it more challenging to protect those who are most vulnerable to serious illness,” says a statement by Health Minister Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.
The new order also states that liquor sales in bars, pubs and restaurants must cease at 10 pm. And unless they provide a full meal service, they need to close by 11 pm.

Postive job numbers a sign of slow and steady climb

BC’s economic restart continued in August, with the unemployment rate in Greater Victoria dropping to 10.3% from 11.1% the month before.
“This is the fourth month we’ve seen a bit of a rise in the number of people working, which is good,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams told CHEK news. “It’s a sign that we’re slowly on the road to recovery, but still reflects the great big hole in the economy with tourism and hospitality not really returning to anything near normal levels right now.”
The province says it has now recovered 94% of jobs lost during the initial economic restrictions imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Rent relief extension welcome, but changes needed

The federal rent relief program for commercial properties has been extended, though there continues to be concerns raised about how it was rolled out — and what comes next.
For many businesses that have been able to access Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA), the program has been a lifeline through the pandemic. Extending relief until the end of September will help. However, as the weather cools and revenues begin to fall, many restaurants and storefront retailers are wondering how they will survive.
The Chamber, along with our chamber network across the country, is calling on the federal government to rethink its approach to commercial rent relief. Rent is one of the biggest costs for many businesses and this is an area that government can provide real help. A new program is also required for the many businesses that needed help but couldn’t access CECRA because of its complexity or landlords who were unwilling to shoulder risk and revenue loss.

Labour Day long weekend

As September begins, enjoy the upcoming hot weather and take a moment to unwind before the summer ends.
Make the most of your Labour Day weekend by supporting your fellow Chamber members.

Take a photo of yourself completing the Patio Checklist, and tag us with @victoriachamber and #YYJPatioChecklist for a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Stay safe and support local.

​The Chamber will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7.