Back to business as province finally unveils restart plan

We now know what our Recovery Runway looks like and can begin planning to help all businesses become pivot pilots as our economy takes off this summer.

B.C.’s Restart: A Plan to Bring us Back Together, released yesterday, outlines four stages leading to a complete reopening of the province by September. The plan is contingent on COVID-19 case counts and hospitalization remaining low and vaccination rates increasing.

“We’ve been asking for this on behalf of our members for some time. Having the steps laid out for easing of restrictions has lifted the fog many of us are feeling,” Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce CEO Bruce Williams says.

“Speaking with Chamber members, the consensus is this plan is good news. It’s something we can work with. We need to continue rolling up our sleeves, keep B.C.’s immunization schedule moving forward, and get to work rebuilding those connections that will allow everyone to experience economic renewal.”

The restart plan marked the end of a five-week circuit breaker that had restricted in-person dining, recreational travel and indoor fitness classes.

The next milestone is June 15 when travel within BC will re-open along with extended hours for restaurants and pubs and the ability to hold small in-person meetings. By Canada Day, travel throughout Canada will open, and bigger meetings will be possible. There will also be no limits on dining, and bars and casinos can return with limited capacity.

“These are hopeful times and we can see the end of the pandemic and a chance to get our lives back,” Williams says, adding that the Chamber’s 2021 Business Awards recently celebrated the many incredible stories of organizations and entrepreneurs who found innovative ways to be successful — our Pivot Pilots. “We’ll need these leaders now as we make sure all businesses can take part in the recovery. We want to extend a hand to everyone who needs it now to make sure you have what you need to be successful.”