Bank of Canada signals more rate hikes likely

The Bank of Canada raised its interest rate by half a point Wednesday morning, after higher than expected inflation in April. The move was expected as global economies continue to face challenges. In simplest terms, the economy continues to struggle with supply challenges and is not able to meet demand for goods and services. The result has been rampant inflation, making the cost of living less affordable.
“With the economy in excess demand, and inflation persisting well above target and expected to move higher in the near term, the Governing Council continues to judge that interest rates will need to rise further,” the Bank of Canada said in a June 1 media release. “The pace of further increases in the policy rate will be guided by the Bank’s ongoing assessment of the economy and inflation, and the Governing Council is prepared to act more forcefully if needed to meet its commitment to achieve the 2% inflation target.”
The increase by the bank will mean higher costs for borrowing and will affect the housing market and some business’s ability to make investments in their operations.