BC approves municipal bans on single-use plastics

The Chamber applauds the provincial government’s decision last week to approve municipal bylaws banning single-use plastics in Victoria, Saanich and other BC municipalities.
The move follows what many businesses have been doing for years as they react to public demand to reduce waste and show leadership in the fight against climate change. The Chamber worked extensively with the City of Victoria on its bylaw, helping officials understand the innovations already in place. Those efforts were key to ensuring the rollout of the rules were well-received.
The Chamber also successfully advocated that the same regulations be copied by other municipalities — including the District of Saanich — to ensure a seamless process for regional retailers and shoppers.

Province expanding recycling to include milk jugs

At the same announcement, the provincial government said it was looking to ban single-use plastics throughout BC. As well, a new 10-cent minimum deposit on all beverage containers was introduced and, for the first time, milk containers will be added to the deposit and refund system.