BC introduces temporary plan for paid sick-leave

The provincial government announced yesterday that a temporary paid-sick-leave plan is in the works. Under the proposal, employers will be required to pay workers their full wages for up to three sick days off. If the employer does not have paid sick-leave, the province will reimburse employers up to $200 per day per worker.
“These are exceptional times and we support measures that allow all businesses to ensure workplaces are safe from COVID-19,” Chamber CEO Bruce WIlliams says. “We look forward to learning more about this plan, including how the province will get funds to employers quickly. We also appreciate the province’s commitment to work with business before crafting the permanent plan, which is scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1 when the temporary plan ends.”
WorkSafeBC is in charge of setting up the program, and will begin administering it next month on behalf of the government.
The Chamber would like to hear from our members about your thoughts on the temporary plan as well as a more permanent paid-sick-leave plan to be legislated to start in January 2022. Email communication@victoriachamber.ca.