Business event planned for Belleville Terminal project

Does your business provide products or services needed for the Belleville Terminal Redevelopment Project?

Infrastructure BC is hosting an in-person business-to-business networking event on June 25 for contractors, suppliers and businesses who might be interested in working with the project’s shortlisted proponent teams. The event also allows prospective proponents to enhance their knowledge, understanding and awareness of local services and build relationships with local contractors, suppliers and businesses.

The Belleville Terminal Redevelopment Project involves the demolition of the existing FRS Clipper Terminal infrastructure and the construction of a new consolidated preclearance terminal building. The new facility will have modern border security standards that abide by the Land, Rail, Marine, and Air Transport Preclearance Agreement between Canada and the US. Construction is scheduled to commence in early 2025 with the new terminal completed and operational by 2028.

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Belleville Terminal Redevelopment Project Business-to-Business Event
Tuesday, June 25, 5:30 pm