Business leadership key to getting through this together

The good news, as we wait for the current wave of COVID-19 to subside, is that we know how to protect ourselves and each other. Vaccinations work.

“Right now 95% of people in the ICU with COVID-19 are unvaccinated adults,”
Island Health Medical Health Officer Dr. Mike Benusic told CHEK News.

Dr. Benusic, who was a guest speaker at the January meeting of The Chamber’s Public Policy and Advocacy committee, says vaccination clinics across the region have been busy. The meeting was also attended by a number of Chamber Champions. Dr. Benusic responded to every question and encouraged all participants to keep the dialogue open.

Having access to business leaders helps government policy-makers develop better solutions. It’s something The Chamber does on an ongoing basis.

“I want to thank Dr. Benusic on behalf of our Chamber Champions and all our members for taking time to speak with us and answer questions,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says. “I also encourage all Chamber members to share their perspectives on the work being done by the Provincial Health Office. As Greater Victoria’s business community, we are part of the solution. We can continue to show leadership to help us get through these times and make sure we keep building a more resilient and inclusive economy.”

What are your thoughts on BC’s pandemic procedures, practice and protocols as they effect your business? Let us know at