By-election between two candidates, experts say

Voters have started casting ballots as advanced polls opened yesterday for the City of Victoria‘s Dec. 12 by-election. This campaign is higher profile than by-elections typically are, with political experts saying the race is between two candidates.
Stephen Andrew is running as a voice of change for people unhappy with the current council’s direction. Stephanie Hardman, alternatively, represents Together Victoria — the political group that successfully elected three of its candidates in 2018. Hardman told the Times Colonist she believes council is “moving in the right direction.”
To learn about where these two candidates stand on issues important to the business community, make sure to watch our virtual Candidate Discussion at On the same page you can find a Q&A sent to all 11 candidates on the ballot.
For more information on when and where to vote, including for those who own property in the city but reside outside it, go to