Canada can’t take Biden presidency for granted

The border with the US will open sooner under a Joe Biden presidency than if Donald Trump had stayed in power, says Perrin Beatty, CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

With a more focused, hands-on approach to controlling COVID, Biden stands a better chance of putting the pandemic behind us than did the chaotic approach of the last administration.

Beatty was the guest of The Chamber, earlier today, for our latest Business Restart Series video. The conversation focused on Canada-US relations, which Beatty compared to resembling the “mating dance of the stickleback” under Trump.

However, Canadians shouldn’t get too comfortable after today’s inauguration. The Democrats have historically been more protectionist than Republicans, and relations will be more complicated than “Trump/bad, Biden/good.”

Closer to home, Beatty says our immediate focus needs to be on controlling the pandemic in Canada. We’ve had a “crazy quilt of approaches” to stopping the spread of the virus, Beatty says. A national approach is needed rather than regional restrictions. The biggest risk to business is the yo-yo effect of opening and closing, which disrupts operations and makes planning impossible.

“What worries me when I look at it today, the Team Canada approach (we had in the spring of 2020) is fraying. People are feeling victimized and powerless,” Beatty said, saying it’s within each of us to use the tools and knowledge we have to stop the spread. “We’re not powerless.”

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