Chamber takes advocacy initiatives directly to the opposition

Since 1863, The Chamber has served as the largest and most influential voice of Greater Victoria’s business community. What that means is we listen to what our members tell us — their concerns, their questions, and their vision as we connect with the appropriate level of government and make sure decision makers have the information they need to make the right choices.
This past Monday, The Chamber was offered the opportunity to host an exclusive and intimate discussion with the Honourable Erin O’Toole, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Canada’s Official Opposition.
Mr. O’Toole outlined Canada’s Recovery Plan, a detailed vision that focuses on uniting Canadians and making life more affordable for everyone. He touched on the Conservative Party’s priorities and how he values the opportunity to both oppose and propose legislation as the Official Opposition.

The address from Mr. O’Toole was followed by wide-ranging questions from our members focused on issues that matter to local business moderated by Bruce Williams, Chamber CEO. The Chamber made sure that our voice and needs were heard on issues outlined in our 2021 Advocacy priorities including: simplifying our current tax structure; addressing current workforce challenges and the affordable housing crisis; providing better supports for mental health and addiction to create safer communities; supporting innovation that mitigates climate change and shifts away from fossil fuels; and more.
The Chamber looks forward to future discussions with municipal, provincial, and federal decision makers to ensure the voice of business in Greater Victoria is heard. Learn more about our advocacy priorities here.

View photos from the event here