Changes coming Saturday for international travellers

Saturday marks the end of border restrictions that have been in place for much of the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government has confirmed travellers will no longer need to show proof of vaccination or wear masks aboard planes and trains. There will also be no requirement for testing or quarantines.
The ArriveCan app will still be available to submit customs and immigration declarations, but will no longer be mandatory.
“There’s a real sense of relief in the tourism industry that their recovery will benefit from making it easier to welcome international travellers,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “The restrictions served a purpose but we’re at a different place in the pandemic, and a lot of people have been calling for these changes for awhile. Hopefully we can heal some of the divisions that resulted from the times being so uncertain.”
The shift also represents a time to reflect on how government responded during the pandemic. Canadian Chamber of Commerce CEO Perrin Beatty was co-chair of the Lessons Learned report that will help policy makers plan for future situations that require restricting access to our border.