Complex care a good step toward safer communities

A priority for business that has become more urgent in recent years is the fundamental need for safe communities. It’s clear there’s no simple answer, but one of the evidence-based solutions is the need to do more to address mental health.
“Our members have been vocal about the need for better support for people facing mental health and addiction challenges,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “This is how we can begin to address the situation we see on our streets and in parks, as well as the hidden struggles that many people are going through silently in their own homes.”
The Chamber has advocated to government for investment in complex care, so we applaud the news of an $8.2-million provincial grant to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
“We are honoured to be part of the solution, co-designing care to improve health, social and employment outcomes for people with long-term experience of complex barriers to employment,” CMHA BC Division CEO Jonny Morris said. “We are excited to see the expansion of behavioural health-care integration with primary-care centres in more sites in B.C.”