COVID circuit breaker leaves businesses in the dark

The pandemic and the “unprecedented uncertainty” we’ve all had to live with for more than year is not an excuse for surprise decisions that damage businesses.
Monday’s announcement that restaurants, pubs and bars had mere hours to implement severe restrictions could have been handled better. Business has been leading the charge on following restrictions and keeping our community safe, but we need the government to work with us.

“It’s clear that decision makers in government don’t understand business, which is why we’re calling for the province to do a better job of working alongside organizations such as ours,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says. “I’m talking to our partner organizations in Greater Victoria and the other Island chambers to offer the province a readily available advisory network that understands the challenges facing businesses.”

Monday’s decision left the restaurant and hospitality industry reeling. The Downtown Victoria Business Association reports that business owners are worried about wasting food purchased as part of plans for Easter weekend. Staff are also anxious about their jobs, while the tourism industry has been left feeling kicked while already on the ground.

Destination Greater Victoria says it’s hearing from hotels that, after Monday’s announcement, guests have cancelled planned visits as far out as September. According to DGV, the sector could lose $900,000, based on 6,000 hotel rooms with an average room rate of $150.