Downtown needs help as new restrictions imposed

What does local mean to you? The answer to that question will be key to ensuring Greater Victoria is able to recover from the pandemic and gain added resilience as we move forward. As the province ramps up temporary restrictions to try and reduce the transmission of COVID-19, not everyone is being impacted equally. Downtown Victoria, in particular, is facing a difficult few weeks as the provincial government backs away from its plan to move workers back to their offices.

“If people are not coming downtown to work. They are probably not coming downtown to shop,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams told CHEK News, noting that suburban hubs are faring better. The Chamber urges people to find ways to support business in need. Why not make a special trip downtown while parking is abundant and protocols are in place to ensure customers’ safety? It’s also easy to support businesses by purchasing from them online for pickup or delivery.

The Downtown Victoria Business Association has a Shop Downtown from Home campaign underway encouraging locals to support businesses in the downtown core.

Please do what you can to support each other so we can get through this together. #InItTogetherYYJ #ChamberLocalVicBC