Election over, time for feds to invest in business growth

The campaigning is over, the results are in, and now we need the federal government to renew its focus on investing in economic growth led by business.
“It’s time for the federal government to take the steps needed to enable the private sector to create jobs and wealth that we need to move away from deficits and reduce public debt,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says.

The Chamber and our national network are calling on parliament to:

  • work with business to ensure we have a 21st century workforce
  • extend the wage and rent subsidy programs to ensure support for our hardest hit sectors
  • accelerate the deployment of a harmonized system of digital health credentials and provide legal certainty for companies on their rights and obligations
  • refocus efforts with the United States to defend Canada’s trade interests; and
  • create a genuine partnership with businesses to reach Net Zero 2050.

If you want to see where Greater Victoria’s newly re-elected MPs stand on these and other issues, check out our online sessions with candidates.