Film industry riding wave of optimism into 2021


Saanich director and co-producer Arnold Lim (centre) guides crew members before shooting a scene for the feature film All-in Madonna. The film was shot in and around Victoria and the South Island in 2019. (Photo by Patrick Coble/Blue Lake Films)

With the Victoria Film Festival in full swing, there’s some good news from the film industry. MovieMaker magazine has named Greater Victoria the fifth-best small city to live and work as a movie maker in 2021. The magazine praises our region for its locations, which can “double for everything from Central Park to English castles to the French Quarter to Napa Valley.”

The Chamber continues to work with the Vancouver Island South Film and Media Commission as well as Malahat Film Studios, Camosun College, the District of Saanich and all of our partners working on bringing production facilities to Greater Victoria.