Huge affordable housing project begins in Saanich

Housing supply is foundational to a strong economy, and The Chamber applauds progress being made on the largest housing supply project ever on Vancouver Island. The $250 million Nigel Valley development in the District of Saanich will add 800 homes to the region, including 440 non-market rental units and 255 market homes. The other units include social housing with supports.
“It’s amazing what can happen when multiple stakeholders, including our local community associations, take a collaborative and proactive approach to challenges like housing,” Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes said in a news release. “This project caters to a wide range of housing needs in Saanich and I look forward to seeing how it will enhance our community over the years to come.”
BC Housing is contributing more than $50 million, and Broadmead Care and Island Health are each providing more more than $5 million.
The Nigel Valley redevelopment, near Saanich’s municipal hall, is being done in three phases over the next 10 years.