Let’s celebrate democracy by voting this October

There’s truth to the saying you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. We all experienced this during the pandemic as the loss of routines gave us a new perspective on the value of many things we took for granted.

It’s a lesson we can apply to our approach to democracy. Let’s not make going to the ballot sound like a chore. There is no burden on election day. The ability to vote is an exceptional thing. With civic elections coming up fast on Oct. 15, we are encouraging Chamber members to lead the way. Let’s remind our communities to celebrate democratic values so they can continue to thrive.

Get involved, know who your candidates are and learn what they stand for. A well-informed electorate is the best way to ensure good governance.

Who is running in your municipality?
Central Saanich
CRD Electoral Areas
North Saanich
Oak Bay
View Royal
School District 61
School District 62
School District 63

How to find out more information on candidates?
In 2022, a quick search online is an easy way to see how individuals and organizations present themselves in their own words. However, The Chamber suggests turning to local media for a more objective analysis of candidates and what they stand for.

We’re lucky in Greater Victoria to have a number of sources of great journalism committed to keeping democracy healthy. Over the course of the election campaign, The Chamber will highlight key election coverage and we will actively encourage all eligible voters to exercise their right on Oct. 15.

Local Media Municipal Election coverage