Local firm takes lead in $2.3 million clean-tech plan


Alacrity Canada has been chosen to assist businesses in western Canada increase their international sales and investment in clean technologies. The federal government announced last week that Alacrity will get $1.3 million to create 100 jobs in clean tech that will help the country recover from the pandemic-caused recession.

“Canadian researchers and entrepreneurs are addressing the world’s most significant environmental problems with innovative solutions. They are on a quest to help this planet survive for many generations to come,” Alacrity Canada’s managing director Richard Egli said in a news release. “This new funding will give Alacrity an excellent opportunity to connect Canadian innovation with significant challenges waiting to be solved.”

A total of $2.3 million is going to BC’s clean tech sector, including $100,000 to the South Island Prosperity Partnership.

Alacrity Canada: Member since 2019

South Island Prosperity Partnership: Member since 2017