Make every day Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day — a time to reflect on the environmental impact we have on the world, and how we can mitigate climate change together.

The Chamber is proud to be recognized as Green Certified by the Vancouver Island Green Business Collective, as well as an Ocean Friendly Business by the Surfrider Foundation. We continue to work to help businesses take the lead on climate solutions that will benefit us all.

We have many amazing members that are dedicated to sustainability, including our two finalists for the Sustainable Practices Award at the 2022 Greater Victoria Business Awards: Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Watching Tours and Oak Bay Marine Group.

Cascadia Seaweed
 and TOPSOIL – Innovative Urban Agriculture Inc won the Sustainable Practices Award in 2021 and 2020, and continue to create positive impact. Visit our Member Directory to find more of our members who are committed to sustainable business.

Being green is good for everyone: people, planet, and profit. Let’s try to make every day Earth Day!