Message from the CEO: Chamber launching program to include more Indigenous-owned businesses

On the cusp of Canada Day, I would like to share news with you. As of our Board Meeting yesterday, The Chamber has a plan in place to craft next steps in Economic Reconciliation. There was an acknowledgement that our mission of “working together to build good business and great community” isn’t possible until it is true for all.

One of the roles of The Chamber is building relationships between businesses, between communities and across governments. First Nations have not had full access to the economic prosperity we have created in their traditional territories. It is beyond time for this to change.

We have a multi-pronged approach to provide Indigenous-owned businesses with a voice and support through The Chamber. Over the next several months we plan to:

  • strike a Task Force with a focus on Indigenous inclusion and participation in The Chamber community. We are fortunate to have a strong Indigenous leader already on our Board and Executive in Christina Clarke, but we need a diversity of voices and guidance to direct us on what is most needed to assist business in the Nations; 
  • work with the Canadian Chamber on issues that create an unfair regulatory environment, such as barriers to access working capital; and,
  • provide a five-year program of reduced rates – beginning with a free first year – to make it easier for any business with 51% Indigenous ownership to be a part of The Chamber. The program will be fully rolling out in September.

As an organization founded in 1863, we are part of the history of our community. Regrettably, we need to acknowledge that means we share responsibility for the suppression of Indigenous peoples. Our next steps are to move forward together in a positive direction.

We will be putting together the Task Force in the next month or so. If you are interested or would like to recommend someone, please reach out to me.

We thank you for being part of The Chamber and for being part of a change for the better.


Bruce Williams, Chief Executive Officer