No parties, no problem. But businesses need to plan beyond the weekend

There is uncertainty beyond anyone’s control, and then there is uncertainty caused by surprise shifts in government policies. It’s the latter that causes concern for many businesses, especially after operators in the food and beverage industry lost thousands of dollars when the province suddenly banned alcohol sales after 8 pm on New Year’s Eve.

Businesses need to plan for their future, regardless of their sector, and it shouldn’t be up to industry associations to get clarity on rules as it was this week ahead of Super Bowl Sunday.

The Chamber will continue to work with the provincial government to ensure better transparency around public health restrictions that affect business operations.

“We’ve heard from Dr. Henry that businesses are doing the right thing and have not been problematic,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says. “We need to work together with government to make sure businesses can do the type of long-range planning they need to stay viable and get through this pandemic.”