Premier-in-waiting promises ‘100 days of action’

David Eby will be the next Premier after being formally named leader of the BC NDP. The transition from Premier John Horgan is expected to take place mid-November, and Eby has already said he intends to bring in a budget that will allow quick action on housing affordability, the climate and healthcare.

The Chamber looks forward to continuing to work with the provincial government on key issues affecting Greater Victoria. We’re also calling on the province for better budget transparency, especially if new spending is planned. Last month, BC’s Auditor General Michael Pickup raised concerns about the province’s accounting methods.

“Each year, my office is mandated to report whether government’s financial statements are fairly stated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,” Pickup is reported to have said. “My job is to report what I see (and) give the opinion that I believe. So I think these things should be corrected.”

Chamber members have an opportunity to hear directly from BC’s AG next month.