Proof of vaccination required starting Sept. 13

The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce looks forward to working with the provincial government to help ensure a smooth rollout of plans to require proof of vaccination for social and recreational settings starting Sept. 13.
“Keeping businesses open and ensuring the safety of staff and customers is the priority for every employer I’ve talked to,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “It’s frustrating that we’re still dealing with restrictions at this point, but I don’t think anyone is surprised to see yet another curveball from COVID-19. People in Greater Victoria have done a remarkable job in getting immunized and reducing the risk in our region, and from what I’m hearing there’s support for the province’s announcement for a vaccine passport.”

​As of Oct, 24, people will need to have been fully vaccinated for at least seven days to be allowed in specified settings. The measures will be re-assessed on Jan. 31, 2022, to determine if an extension is required.

“Right now, we’re working with government on behalf of a number of community partners on how vaccine passports and mask mandates are enforced,” Williams said. “It can’t fall to frontline staff to enforce these policies. Employers are already struggling to find and keep workers, and the prospect of dealing with aggressively opinionated anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers should not be part of the job description.”