Province heads into home-stretch of restrictions

We are heading into the home stretch as we begin week four of the five-weeks of stricter restrictions that began at midnight on March 29. Those orders state:
·     Indoor low intensity group exercise classes are cancelled.
·     Restaurants, pubs and bars are closed for indoor dining.
·     Outdoor patio seating and take-out or delivery is allowed.
·     Workplaces with a COVID-19 exposure may be ordered to close for a minimum of 10 days.
As well, the PHO strongly recommends:
·     Working from home whenever possible.
·     Getting tested immediately if you or anyone in your family feels sick.
BC has also officially moved into the fourth and final phase of our official immunization plan. As of May 12, more than half of all eligible British Columbians have had at least one dose of vaccine.
Appointments are currently being booked for people born in 1985 or earlier. Make sure you are registered so you can book your appointment as soon as possible. One of the criteria for loosening restrictions this summer is the number of people who are immunized.
“Vaccines are the light at the end of the tunnel in this pandemic, and that light is growing brighter by the day,” BC’s Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said today.