Province must learn from mistakes: Save-our-Streets

The Save Our Streets coalition released a statement today saying a report by BC’s Auditor General confirms that the province is failing to address the toxic drug crisis as record numbers of people continue to lose their lives.

“BC must learn from this report and the policy failures such as those recently recognized in Oregon and refocus on designing and implementing a comprehensive continuum of care for those suffering from addictions and mental health issues,” said Jess Ketchum, co-founder of SOS, which consists of more than 90 organizations including the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce.

“The Chamber has been vocal about the fundamental importance of Safe Communities, and we continue to advocate for a sharp increase in treatment beds and recovery facilities as well as needed repairs to our legal system to make sure repeat offenders are kept off our streets,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said.

To hear more about work being done to promote Safe Communities, make sure to register now for The Chamber’s AGM on April 16 featuring:

  • Jonny Morris, CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association BC,
  • Carolina Ibarra, CEO of Pacifica Housing Advisory Association, and
  • Chief Del Manak, Victoria Police Department.