Scenes of joy as care homes open for visitors

As the province finds itself facing another wave of COVID-19 cases, there was some joyful news and evidence that immunization is key to ending the pandemic.
On April 1, families were able to visit in-person with relatives living in long-term care homes. At Broadmead Care resident Marjorie Sutherland, pictured above, was able to hold the hand of her son David Sutherland and daughter Wendy O’Dwyer for the first time in more than a year.
The Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control updated guidelines for long-term care homes and assisted living facilities.
“Now that the most vulnerable among us have received a vaccine, we are safely amending restrictions to give people in long-term care greater opportunities to connect with the people they love,” Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said in a news release.