SD61 budget cuts could impact student employment

The Chamber has lent its support to the long-standing career centre program at the Greater Victoria School District. The SD61 school board is expected to announce funding cuts as part of finalizing its budget tomorrow.

“We understand that this year’s budget process requires difficult decisions, and we do appreciate that every trustee is doing their best to make the right decision. That said, we urge the school board to continue adequately funding career centre staff positions,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams stated in a letter to trustees. “Education is about helping students grow and learn to be successful adults who contribute to making our world a better place. Students receive positive direction to fulfill their academic potential, and they deserve to also have positive direction to prepare them for working life.”

Career centre staff are able to help students learn to build connections and professional relationships. Without that assistance, there might be fewer students available to take on traditional student positions. With Greater Victoria experiencing a workforce crisis, hiring students helps employers and gives young people a chance to earn money to pursue their own dreams.