Signs of optimism for businesses in downtown core

The days are getting shorter but things are getting brighter for downtown businesses, according to new data released by the City of Victoria last week.
There was a marked increase this summer in business licenses issued, film permits and hotel occupancy over last summer. Construction value reached $101.6 million in July, compared to $13.4 million in July 2020 and $51.5 million in July 2020.
Jeff Bray, Executive Director of the Downtown Victoria Business Association, said the rise in pedestrians downtown is a good measure of vitality. “When more people were working from home, it really emptied out the streets and hit the downtown businesses hard. I am hopeful that we can get back to our pre-pandemic numbers.”
“Tourism is a dynamic sector that contributes to the city and region is so many ways. When the industry was hit hard by the pandemic, the repercussions were felt throughout the community,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said in the news release.