Stick to daylight savings, survey says

There can be little doubt that British Columbians are tired of springing ahead and falling back. Almost one quarter of a million people completed the provincial government’s survey on Daylight Saving Time, and 93% of respondents said they wanted to stop adjusting their clocks twice a year.

Clocks go back Nov. 3 this year.

“The people of British Columbia have spoken and their collective voice has come through loudly and clearly,” said Premier John Horgan in a news release.

The province has been watching efforts by Washington, Oregon and California to get approval from the US federal government to adopt daylight savings year round. 

“On the BC side I think we will wait for the Americans to go first, but there has to be a change in legislation by the province,” Minister of  Jobs, Trade and Technology Bruce Ralston told the Times Colonist. “We don’t want to go out alone on this, so we will co-ordinate our efforts. We want to see what the American Congress does first, although it looks like it will go forward.”

The Chamber has been part of a province-wide advocacy effort to stick with Daylight Saving Time in order to avoid the disruption that comes with adjusting clocks.