Take the Vital Signs survey and help ID local issues

The 2023 Vitals Signs survey is now underway as the Victoria Foundation begins planning for the next edition of its annual community check-up.
According to the organization’s website, “The Victoria Foundation produces the report to connect philanthropy to community needs and opportunities. The results of the citizen survey are an integral part of the program and will be released in the fall in the Vital Signs report.”
The survey is now in its 18th year and covers key issues in Greater Victoria such as housing, standard of living and sports and recreation.
According to the organization’s website, “The Victoria Foundation produces the report to connect philanthropy to community needs and opportunities. The results of the citizen survey are an integral part of the program and will be released in the fall in the Vital Signs report.”
The survey is now in its 18th year and covers key issues in Greater Victoria such as housing, standard of living and sports and recreation.