The Chamber to host Bank of Canada on June 8

In the world of business, the work done by central banks is always fascinating.

“We know our members like to hear directly from important policy makers so we are thrilled to welcome the Bank of Canada‘s Deputy Governor to Victoria to deliver the bank’s next Economic Progress Report,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said.

Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Paul Beaudry will deliver the report at a Chamber Business Leaders Luncheon on June 8 at the Victoria Conference Centre. Beaudry will discuss recent developments in the Canadian economy and the implications for monetary policy.

The Bank of Canada is the nation’s central bank. Their main role is “to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada,” as defined in the Bank of Canada Act. Their main areas of responsibility are: Monetary policy, Financial systemCurrencyFunds management, and Retail payments supervision.

The Deputy Governor’s speech will be followed by a moderated Q&A.

Business Leaders Luncheon – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada
Thurs., June 8, | 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Victoria Conference Centre – Carson Hall