Time to talk seriously about regional restrictions


In the fall, the province acknowledged that Fraser Health is where most of the cases of COVID-19 in BC are occurring and imposed further restrictions on that region. However, as the pandemic’s second wave grew larger, all British Columbians were asked to take a step back and limit activities through the holidays.

“We now need to talk about going back to regional restrictions, even though it’s not an easy conversation,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says. “Re-opening of businesses and ensuring economic activity is vital to public health. Restrictions are taking a toll on the mental and emotional well-being of people in our community.”

Throughout the pandemic, Vancouver Island has consistently had much lower case counts than other health regions in BC. Clearly, Islanders are overwhelmingly abiding by restrictions that slow the spread of COVID-19.

“We can do this. Better times are coming. As entrepreneurs and business leaders, our members know how to deal with adversity while keeping a healthy sense of cautious optimism,” Williams says. “They deserve to be recognized for their efforts by being allowed to get back to business with restrictions that reflect what’s happening in our region.”