Transportation Minister addresses The Chamber

Making it easier to get around Greater Victoria, and addressing climate change were among the many topics addressed yesterday by BC’s Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Rob Fleming.

The Minister spoke to Chamber members as part of our ongoing Business Restart Series, which continues March 30 with Agricultural Minister Lana Popham (details below).

Fleming spoke about continuing efforts to make getting to work convenient for commuters who live in more affordable areas of the region. For example, he said the McKenzie Interchange, which is “substantially complete,” has cut commute times to the West Shore in half. As well, an additional widening of the highway will make the route ready for Light Rapid Transit. Another concept that is still being looked at is a ferry from Colwood to Victoria.
The Minister also addressed The Chamber’s calls for better transportation governance in the region. Fleming said the solution requires something other than the system of weighted votes used by the Capital Regional District. Greater Victoria needs a body that looks at the region as whole, and not as a collection of 13 municipalities.

The Minister also responded to a Chamber member question by encouraging businesses to lend their voice to a proposed “flyover” overpass from the Pat Bay Highway northbound to Keating Cross Road westbound, eliminating the left turn across highway traffic onto Keating Cross Road.

If you missed yesterday’s event but would like to hear more about what the Minister had to say, the video is available for purchase.