Victoria looking at return to paid parking downtown

The City of Victoria is looking at ending parking measures introduced during the early stages of the pandemic.
In April, Victoria council decided to reduce parking rates and stop enforcing time limits in most spots. As economic activity picks up downtown, parking is once again becoming scarce.
“It’s a sign of going back to what it used to be, in a way,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams told the Times Colonist. “It’s a bit back to normalcy. I don’t think it’s out of the question for them to be charging for parking. A lot of the parking when it is reduced like that is not being used by shoppers. it’s being used by workers (who take up prime spots for an entire day).”
The city uses a formula to encourage turnover of parking spaces, making it easier for more people to access businesses downtown.
Council is expected to decide Thursday on the proposal, which would take effect Aug. 4.
In April, Victoria council decided to reduce parking rates and stop enforcing time limits in most spots. As economic activity picks up downtown, parking is once again becoming scarce.
“It’s a sign of going back to what it used to be, in a way,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams told the Times Colonist. “It’s a bit back to normalcy. I don’t think it’s out of the question for them to be charging for parking. A lot of the parking when it is reduced like that is not being used by shoppers. it’s being used by workers (who take up prime spots for an entire day).”
The city uses a formula to encourage turnover of parking spaces, making it easier for more people to access businesses downtown.
Council is expected to decide Thursday on the proposal, which would take effect Aug. 4.