Victoria streamlines affordable housing process

The City of Victoria is the first BC municipality to approve fast tracking affordable housing — and the District of Saanich could soon follow suit.
Last week, Victoria council unanimously approved a motion to speed up the development process for housing proposed by non-profit, government or co-op organizations. The proposals need to fit with the Official Community Plan but would not be required to go through rezoning or public hearings.
“The change we made tonight will get more affordable homes built more quickly for families, workers and people who need it the most,” Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps said in a media release.
Victoria’s effort has inspired a Saanich councillor to try to have the same motion adopted in her municipality.
“I think if Victoria has a process which Saanich council can approve, and I hope they do that, that will make things more streamlined as agencies move between the municipalities, they’re not going to have to figure out the differences just because of the boundaries,” Saanich Coun. Susan Brice told CHEK News.
The Chamber applauds Victoria for taking action to increase housing supply that is affordable for workers. This is one of the keys to helping employers find and keep staff. The Chamber also encourages Saanich Council to adopt the motion when it comes to them. It’s more efficient to have the same rules within our region as the need for more housing affects everyone in Greater Victoria.