What will your Random Act of Kindness be?

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! We all could use some extra positivity in our lives, and The Chamber would like to encourage you to make a positive impact wherever you go.

Looking for ideas? Follow a few of these tips inspired by The Victoria Foundation

  • Buy coffee for the person in line behind you either in-store or at the drive through.
  • Bake cookies for your coworkers with ingredients from a Chamber member grocer
  • Donate food, money supplies to a local non-profit
  • Donate books to the library
  • Let your staff leave work a little early.
  • Leave a positive google review for a great local business

Looking for more ways to brighten someone’s day? Download the Random Acts of Kindness Day Poster From The Victoria Foundation and spread kindness in your community. Children under the age of 12 also have the opportunity to colour-in this image to win a $50 gift card and a $100 donation made in their name to a registered charity of their choice.