Throne speeches are typically more pomp than particulars, and yesterday’s ceremonial start to a new session at the BC Legislature was no exception. However, there were a few items of interest to business in Greater Victoria.

Minimum wage, which went through a series of increases to reach $15.20/hour in BC, will now be tied to the rate of inflation.

The housing market, under pressure due to a lack of supply, will soon face a regulated “cooling off period” for buyers.

A new plan is being developed to train British Columbians to meet the one million job openings expected in the next 10 years.

There were also mentions of modernizing the Royal BC Museum, taking action on reconciliation and improving child care by making it a function of the Ministry of Education.

“What we didn’t hear was an adequate plan to help business by reducing unfair costs such as the Employer Health Tax, or cutting red tape,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams says. “We’re looking forward to hearing details next week about how government will help business and build resilience in our economy.”

Chamber Event: A conversation with BC’s Finance Minister on Feb. 23