As expected, the Bank of Canada bumped up its policy interest rate by a quarter point while signalling no further moves are planned until the impact on the economy can be more fully assessed.
“Inflation is projected to come down significantly this year,” a media release from the Bank stated. “Lower energy prices, improvements in global supply conditions, and the effects of higher interest rates on demand are expected to bring CPI inflation down to around 3% in the middle of this year and back to the 2% target in 2024.”
The Bank of Canada has hiked its rate eight times in less than a year. The moves have slowed business investment and dampened consumer confidence, adversely affecting most business sectors.
“We’ve been checking in with our members during this time and I know it’s been difficult for many people facing higher costs,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “We’re focused on supporting members as we can, helping them build resiliency in their organizations while calling for smart investments from government so that our regional economy can come back stronger than ever.”