Chamber members have an opportunity for a seat at the table with BC’s Premier as The Chamber hosts the Hon. David Eby on April 30 for a breakfast and discussion about business in BC.

“We know our members have many questions for the Premier during this electing year, and I’m grateful for this opportunity to get answers and learn more about the government’s plans to help the private sector strengthen our economy,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said.

The MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey became leader of the BC NDP in October 2022 and BC Premier in November 2022. Before he was elected, Eby was the Executive Director of the BC Civil Liberties Association, an adjunct professor of law at the University of British Columbia, and president of the HIV/AIDS Legal Network. He also served on the Vancouver Foundation’s Health and Social Development Committee.

Chamber events are always popular so reserve your spot now to ensure you have a seat at the table.

Leading to Election: Breakfast with Premier Eby

  • Tuesday, April 30
  • 7:30 – 9 a.m.
  • Venue provided upon registration