The situation is still uncertain for Vancouver Island communities that have had their main transportation routes cut off by wildfire.
Highway 4, connecting Tofino and Ucluelet with Port Alberni and the rest of the Island, remains closed after fire burned more than two square kilometres of forest along the route.
“Right now, our thoughts are with everyone in those Island communities,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “The alternate routes are for essential traffic only. They’re needed to ensure supplies and emergency personnel can get through. So we’re working with our friends at 4VI to encourage people who had planned trips to impacted communities to consider other Island destinations that remain open.”
Yesterday, the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce relayed that they’re trying to stay optimistic. However, businesses will be challenged until they are able to fully reopen.
“(We’re) really pleased to hear that the fire is now being held, so that gives some businesses time to arrange for alternative arrangements for things coming in, but this is definitely going to be hard on the community,” Alberni Chamber CEO Jolleen Dick told CHEK News.