A move to make it easier for skilled workers from other countries to continue their career in BC is welcome news.
On Tuesday, the province announced it will provide $12 million to help internationally licensed nurses get to work. It typically takes years for foreign-trained workers to get the recognition required to fill vacant positions in BC.
The new funding will consolidate various assessment processes, provide bursaries for internationally educated nurses and raise awareness about the process.
Nurses have been in high demand due to the pandemic and other health care challenges facing the province. There are also many other internationally trained workers who could help BC employers fill openings if a similar approach is taken.
“The Chamber has been asking for a streamlined process to recognize people who have the skills needed for BC jobs,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “We know employers in Greater Victoria need solutions to help them find and keep employees, and we hope this announcement serves as a model for other trades and professional skills in high demand here.”