The Chamber continues to strongly advocate for Safe Communities. Everyone needs to feel safe at work, in their community and at home. The ongoing toxic drug crisis as well as a shortfall in available mental health care has contributed to a rise in the number of people experiencing profound distress in public places.

On Monday, BC’s Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions announced the Westshore was one of the regions that will be getting a Mobile Integrated Crisis Response Team. The program has shown success in Victoria.

“We’ve called for the province to focus on the fundamental need to have the resources to help people when they need it,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “It’s not enough to ask someone in distress to wait weeks or months for treatment. Too often this ends up with calls to the police and people going through the criminal justice system.”

Crisis Response Teams provide on-site emotional and mental-health assessments, crisis intervention and referrals to appropriate services in the community. This helps people in need access treatment and frees up police resources to focus on crime.

For more on what’s being done, check out the new series of Chamber Chats focused on mental health in the workplace and community.

Chamber Chats
Managing mental health in the workplace
Talking about mental health in the workplace