The Chamber has been working to advocate for investment and policy changes that make all of our communities safer. It’s a complex issue that requires a major increase in resources to treat people struggling with mental health and addictions.

That said, we’re please to hear that the federal government has proposed changes to Canada’s bail system to keep violent repeat offenders off our streets. The shift comes after BC moved to use tools available to the province to address repeat offenders.

“This is a start, but we need to address bottlenecks with our court systems and the length of time it takes to provide treatment for people who want help with mental health or addiction issues,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “We don’t have enough capacity in jails or treatment centres, and everyone requires a fair trial and can’t be held on bail indefinitely.”

The Chamber will continue calling on all levels of government to ensure resources are available for the adequate enforcement of laws and bylaws, as well as investment in long-term solutions that address the root of the issues. Everyone needs to feel safe where they live and work.