The targets are now official for three Greater Victoria municipalities deemed to be among the top 10 BC communities with the most pressing housing needs.

The Housing Supply Act requires the following number of new homes within five years:

The three Island communities were among 10 deemed by the province in May to have the greatest need for more housing. The province is also stipulating the size of the new units, rental versus owned units, below-market rental units and units with on-site supports.

“These targets are a step toward creating more homes to meet the diverse housing needs of Saanich residents,” Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock said in the province’s news release. “We are committed to working together with the Province on housing solutions, and welcome their support to help us achieve our goals.”

After six months, and every year thereafter, municipalities will be evaluated on their progress.

A second cohort of eight to 10 municipalities will be selected by the end of the year.